среда, 4 мая 2016 г.

Reset windows 8.1 administrator password

There is, but you need to have the Windows (7|8|8.1) install media available.
  1. Start your PC off the (Disk|USB|HDD) that contains the install media
  1. Once loaded, press Shift+F10This will open a command prompt
list vol
  1. Now, run D: where D is your drive letter.
  1. Run cd \Windows\System32
  1. Run ren Utilman.exe Utilman_old.exe
  1. Run copy cmd.exe Utilman.exe
  1. Reboot
net user user_to_change *
  1. Run the following commands in order:
  2. Once you find the right volume (your C: drive (it may have a different drive letter)), run exit
Once you get to the logon screen, click the Accessibility Options icon. Once the Command Prompt opens, run these commands, replacing user_to_change with the user you want to reset the password of:
Enter a new password, enter it again (you won't see it) and log in. You can now go back to C:\Windows\System32 and delete the Utilman.exe that we made, and rename Utilman_old.exe to Utilman.exe