# Name: Attach-AllDatabasesInDir
# Description: This script will attach all the databases in a directory to the local SQL Instance
# Usage: Run the function with the -DatabaseDir parameter
# By: Ivan Josipovic, softlanding.ca
#Do not modify below here
function Attach-AllDatabasesInDir{
[string]$DatabaseDir = $(throw "-DatabaseDir `"C:\ExampleDir`" is required.")
#Load the SQL Assembly
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo') | out-null
#Connect to the local SQL Server Instance, change the (local) parameter if needed
$server = new-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("(local)")
if ($server -eq $null){
Write-host -foreground red "Unable to connect to the SQL Server"
return -1
$items = get-childitem $DatabaseDir *.mdf
foreach ($item in $items){
[bool]$ErrorExists = $false
try {
$DBName = $server.DetachedDatabaseInfo($($item.fullname)).rows[0].value
catch {
Write-host -foregroundcolor red "File was not able to be read. It is most likely already mounted or in use by another application"
$ErrorExists = $true
if ($ErrorExists -eq $false){
foreach ($db in $server.databases){
if ($db.name.Equals($DBName)){
write-host -foreground red "This database already exists on the server"
$ErrorExists = $true
if ($ErrorExists -eq $false){
$DbLocation = new-object System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
$attach = $server.AttachDatabase($DBName, $DbLocation)
Attach-AllDatabasesInDir -DatabaseDir "E:\MSSQL\DATA"
# Name: Attach-AllDatabasesInDir
# Description: This script will attach all the databases in a directory to the local SQL Instance
# Usage: Run the function with the -DatabaseDir parameter
# By: Ivan Josipovic, softlanding.ca
#Do not modify below here
function Attach-AllDatabasesInDir{
[string]$DatabaseDir = $(throw "-DatabaseDir `"C:\ExampleDir`" is required.")
#Load the SQL Assembly
[System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('Microsoft.SqlServer.Smo') | out-null
#Connect to the local SQL Server Instance, change the (local) parameter if needed
$server = new-Object Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server("(local)")
if ($server -eq $null){
Write-host -foreground red "Unable to connect to the SQL Server"
return -1
$items = get-childitem $DatabaseDir *.mdf
foreach ($item in $items){
[bool]$ErrorExists = $false
try {
$DBName = $server.DetachedDatabaseInfo($($item.fullname)).rows[0].value
catch {
Write-host -foregroundcolor red "File was not able to be read. It is most likely already mounted or in use by another application"
$ErrorExists = $true
if ($ErrorExists -eq $false){
foreach ($db in $server.databases){
if ($db.name.Equals($DBName)){
write-host -foreground red "This database already exists on the server"
$ErrorExists = $true
if ($ErrorExists -eq $false){
$DbLocation = new-object System.Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
$attach = $server.AttachDatabase($DBName, $DbLocation)
Attach-AllDatabasesInDir -DatabaseDir "E:\MSSQL\DATA"